Saturday, December 24, 2011

lagu boleh jadi doa~!!

tahukah anda sesetengah lagu
boleh menjadi sebuah doa yg baik bagi kita?

tidak percaya?

hendak bukti?

ok,.. lagu pertama : TAUBAT SEORANG HAMBA

(Part Hafiz)
Hati hiba mengenangkan dosa2 yg ku lakukan,
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa,
Terima taubat hamba berdosa...

(Part Irsyadee)
Ku akui kelemahan diri,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x.....
Taubatku ini.....

(Part Irsyadee)
Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan,
Kerana hilang dari jalan menuju redhaMu ya Tuhan.

(Part Irsyadee)
Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x...
Taubatku ini...

(Part Hafiz)
Di hamparan ini ku meminta moga taubatku diterima...

(Part Irsyadee)
Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x....
Taubatku ini...

(Part Hafiz)
Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x..
Taubatku ini...

bukan kah lebih baik jika seseorang manusia itu menyanyi lagu yang berunsur KETUHANAN daripada lagu yang berunsur CINTA dan yg sekutu dengan nya

ini pula lagu yang baik untuk kita bermuhasabah diri....

Wahai... Pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Kupasrahkan semua padaMu

Tuhan... Baru ku sadar
Indah nikmat sehat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini kuharapkan cintaMu

Reff. :
Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya ilahi....
Muhasabah cintaku...

Tuhan... Kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu

Sunday, July 31, 2011


today, I want to share about hukum bermain catur.

man once told me that the laws of chess is forbidden, in the beginning, I do not believe, then, I search the internet about the matter. I did not find any hadith which says chess is haram, but ultimately I believe is that chess is haram because it was referring to my teacher.

but, on the last book fair, my mother came across a book titled "TIME FATWA NOW ". then, my mom look at topics in the book. Suddenly he came across the title "LAW TO PLAY CHESS" in the book written questions about playing chess, then I read the book. the contents of the book


as chess does not exist at the time of RASULULLAH, then there is no hadith narrated about it. on the hadith which means: God looked at 360 people a day view and chess players have no part in it. (Hadith narrated by Ibn Abu World in the lower section of entertainment in vain).

Hadith narrated by Ad-Dailami Ibn 'Abbas, and pledged by the ALLAH says: know that chess masters are in hell. they said: "By Allah, I killed the king.”

the hadith of Anas, who was pledged to the Prophet in marfu 'which means :the game of chess has been cursed.

Al-hafizas-Sakhaawi tlah mentions in his book 'al-Muhtaj Umdah Hukmis fees Shatranj "," Mahdi said, the most valid in the mentioned law of chess is said Ali (ra). [Ali (ra) was passing a race playing chess, and he read the verse that says: "What are these images unto which ye pay devotion" (Al-Anbia: 52)].

Abu Bakar said: "if it is done by people who thought that the ruling was illegal , then the ruling was illegal as he was playing an-Nard. if the player is considered that the ruling is a must, but the evidence is not rejected. unless they distract from the worship of the time, or that he was cheating and other illegal things.


actually legal is permissible conditional (DR said Yusuf Al-Qardawi)

1. not gambling in bermian chess. if there is gambling, it will be illegal even one of the gravest sins.

2. The game did not stop him from remembering God and prayer and also any worldly or religious obligations.

3. player shall not do or talk bad and many swear

4. do not play chess on the street because it would humiliate a person.
5. not familiar with it up until the level of addiction as an alcoholic
(sumber daripada buku fatwa masa kini)

thanks for reading,,, sorry if have a mistake there.. I just want to share only..

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


ha ha ha...
form 3?

saye skrg form 3?
btol ke ni?

watever la,,,

tpi keje skola,,, knp ckgu bgi skit sgt yer?

tpi knp kwn2 yg len kate byk sgt keje skola?